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dinsdag 18 augustus 2009

The Three Veils

0 – Tohu, formless and desolation.

Qematiel, a black headed dragon-serpent who unites under him the force of Kether of the Averse Sephiroth. Kether is the Sphere of Satan or Moloch and is thus a power source behind Metatron or the powerful angel, it is a direct ascension through descending which leads to the Gnosis of the Adversary. The Adept understands here there is nothing but the essence of the sorcerer, that all he/she needs is their own mind and body, that strength is always found within.

00 – Bohu, void and emptiness

Belial who is described by Cabalists as a black and bloated dragon-man. He “denies god” and unites the averse force of Chokmah. Belial in the physical world is a form or idea behind the Antichrist, the Lord of the Earth, while in the astral plane the second angel said to be created next to Lucifer, or Samael. In this void, the primal darkness of nothingness, the Adept becomes like Belial in that there is no God but the
self; you are alone, there is no comfort of some “God” watching over you, no mediating savior to offer your life to, just your mind and spirit. Belial survived the beginnings in darkness by understanding the inner fire of spirit, how to fan that flame and make your own self-created light.

000 - Chasek, darkness, primal void – that from which the Prince of Darkness and life emerged from. That from which Samael sought to move away from.

Gothiel is a black insect-man who is said to unite the force of the averse Binah.

Qabalism in the Luciferian Witchcraft Gnosis as a developing tradition holds some significance in the tools offered by the Qlippoth in assisting towards the Great Work, as much importance and significance is given to the darkside which allows the magician to come forth as a manifestation of Lucifer into the Light.

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