Enter first “The Water of Tears”, imagining your own spirit falling from the highest empyrean realms, enshrouded in flame and shadow as Lucifer fell, to the depths of darkness. Here all in your life is revealed as it really is, be it positive or negative. Allow yourself to be honest, noting your weaknesses and strengths. What you wish to improve upon.
Move now through “The Water of Creation”, here mindless and chaotic serpents move through the waters
without true form or direction, mindless. You can take and devour those shadows which you can then
emanate from your flesh as darkness, allowing a specific strength to balance out to further improve in term of character trait, desire, etc.
Move now through “The Water of the Ocean” where you come face to face with the daemonic form of
the Beast, the seven headed dragon with the 10 crowns of the Adversary. With the command of Will
summon and encircle this beast within you; make it a part of your mind, your flesh and your very spirit! “The Water of the Ocean” is where you shall make the world change according to your desire by the words you speak, actions you take and how well you can form meaningful, disciplined thoughts into manifestation of Goals and achievements. Allow your mind to think in terms of your existience from the Adversarial aspects of the Samael and Lilith, they are given form in your own being.
Move now through “The False Sea”, this is the astral or dream plane. Here you can shapeshift and take any form you feel a connection with. You may use the false sea to drink from the spirit of others, to devour and bring yourself closer to being as God itself. Use The False Sea to manifest that which you so desire.
The Qlippoth, the infernal spiritual realm has four cherubs who stand above the inverse Sephiroth, being Rahab, Samael, Machaloth and Lilith.

–Kabbalah Unveiled by S.L. Mathers
From a different perspective, Paradise can be seen as unawakened, ignorant bliss. There is no challenge, no adversarial movement against another. The supernal Eve has been awakened by Lilith and Samael to then seek to lead Adam to the path, by eating the fruit Leviathan is able to pierce into the Sephiroth to illuminate the Averse Sephiroth or Qlippoth of the Black Adepts.
Samael and Lilith are the eternal couple, their force together is what embodies the form of the Adversary and the result is the image of Baphomet, the head of wisdom or Cain in the circle of the wise. An interesting note concerning Samael is the Three Satanic Forces behind him. The Three Veils are primal descriptions of darkness and the abyss. They may be used in workings which require intense introspection concerning the nature of the Adept. If using the Tree of Da’ath or the Qlippoth as a means of selftransformation, these veils are the uppermost one ascended after transforming in Kether Inverse, thus awakening within the Luciferian Trinity or HVHI. This is a title of the Opposer/Adversary and represents understanding, wisdom and self-focused power. HVHI is the reversed name of the Hebraic/Christian God, thus the Adversary is man or woman ascended by the fall.
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