like Set, who then masters the Serpent (Qlippoth). In mastering the Qlippoth, the Magician (a
manifestation of Set) holds then the power of the Qlippoth (the Serpent).
The Ten Hells (Horns) in Seven (Heads) Places

1st – Satan and Moloch. The work of Luciferian Witchcraft presents the alternative as being the THREE being Samael-Lilith-Cain the Yatuk Dinoih correspondence being Ahriman-Az-Zohak (Azi Dahaka). This unity begets the HVHI – The Devil or Unnamable One.
2nd – Beelzebub being the Lord of Flies and Lord of Chaos. Yatuk Dinoih attribution being Druj Nasu and Savar/Saurva.
3rd – Lucifuge Rofocale - Yatuk Dinoih Attribute being Andar.
The depths of the earth, called the grave hell of Supernals, Triple Hell. This is also symbolic of Azi Dahaka or Zohak, a Son of Ahriman/Satan, who was kissed on the shoulders and two venomous black serpents emerged. See “Luciferian Witchcraft”. Here is the place of which infernal darkness is first formed into positive light by the magician and his or her Will, a step with achieving communion with the Luciferian Angel. The Opposing Shadow forms of the First Hell as equally Satan and Moloch. Here the twin serpents of Zohak may find representation on earth, as Ahriman was displaying this misunderstood level of attainment to his Son. Satan and Moloch are not the actual foundation of the “Adversary” or “Luciferian Trinity”, rather they are manifestations from and states FROM these forms. The Patron Daemon of this second hell is Beelzebub, who is commonly known as the Lord of Chaos and Lord of Flies. In the Yatuk Dinoih system, Beelzebub would be considered the same as the demon of decay and corruption, but also
spiritual initiation being Nasu, the Druj as well as Savar, considered the same as Belial the fell angel. The Third hell is presided over by Lucifuge Rofocale, who is considered by the Grimoire tradition as being the prime minister of the infernal regions. Lucifuge would be considered the same as Andar in the Yatuk Dinoih, one of the Seven Archdemons of Ahriman.
4. Abaddon – Yatuk Dinoih: Zairich
Perdition, the in-between hell of when the magician is become Daemon like and still based within the physical world, not yet in sensed communion with Samael-Lilith by moving towards the transformation.) Abaddon is ruled over by Astaroth, a Goetic Demon ruler and fallen angel. Abaddon may thus be considered a state of movement, often destruction cycling creation. Astaroth would be considered the same as the Persian Zairich, whose poisons are actually nectars of initiation.
5. Tythihoz/Titahion – Asmodeus Yatuk Dinoih: Aeshma
The Clay of Death is Asmodeus who is the mate of the Younger Lilith. Asmodeus is the Demon of the
Wounding Spear, who is by Persian reference Aeshma, a demon or dev of violence and motion. Called also Æshma, Eshm or Hesham, Asmodeus represents desire and the motion of which it may become flesh.
6. Barashechath/Barshasketh – Belphagor- Yatuk Dinoih: Naikiyas
The Pit of Destruction is ruled over by Belphagor, who is called the Demon of Opening. This dev in Persian form would be Naikiyas or Naonhaithya, a druj or daeva of self advancement and initiation.
7. Tzelmoth/Tzalemoth –Bael -Yatuk Dinoih: Paitisha/Taprev
The Shadow of Death, the Patron demon of this sphere is Bael, a Witch Father whose form is of Three Heads, a man, a cat and a toad. In the Yatuk Dinoih, Bael would be close to Taprev/Taurvi, a Demon of Herbalism and witchcraft. Alternatively Bael may be a manifestation of the dev Paitisha, who has no form (Bael is invisibility) and thus represents the spirit of Yatuk Dinoih, or witchcraft.
8. Sha’arimrath/Shaarimoth – Adramalech - Yatuk Dinoih: Akoman
The Gates of Death, being transformation. The Demon Ruler of this sphere is Adramalech, who is a King of Fire. This relates to Akoman, the Evil Mind, the spirit of self-deification and antinomian thought, an Archdemon of Ahriman who has no form. This dev is of Black Flame, or Blackened Fire, represents the gift of perception.
9 – 10. Giyehanim – Lilith and Nahema- Yatuk Dinoih: Az/Jeh
Being Hell. This Hell is presided over by Two Demon Queens or Witch Queens, Lilith and Nahema.
Nahema is considered an Angel of Prostitution like Lilith and is sometimes called the mother of Asmodeus with Samael. Nahema is sometimes called the Demoness of Impurity. In Persian sorcery Lilith and Nahema are forms of Az – Jeh, the Mother of Demons.
An alternate Tree of Death is given as the following also. This may be interesting for the practitioner to choose which model they wish to work with, as each hold a considerable amount for introspection and “Knowing Thyself”.